Thursday 30 October 2008

series freak

I'm a total FRIENDS freak, I've never missed a single episodes even before I went to OZ. The show started in 1995 and I had them on VHS (lots) before DVD got so popular. I was so sad when they ended the series after 10 years of friendship ...

Upon my return, I bought the "pirated" for whole 10 seasons 'cos the original DVD was entirely overpriced.

A while ago, while browsing on Amazon, I came across this beautiful 10 seasons in 1 pack for USD199.99, each season comes in a very nice individual pack with every episodes nicely reviewed. I'm so gonna buy it .. but I have to wait for economic crisis to pass as the USD has rised up ridiculously.

- isn't these lovely? -

Another series I regularly watched when I was in OZ and love 'till now -- but couldn't find the series here is 7th Heaven -- story about a Christian family with 5 children at first and 2 twins added in 5th season. The story involved around love and lesson in life that we could simply adapted in our everyday life. I haven't seen the 6th and 7th season as the 6th started when I left OZ in 2002 and YEY, they came out in DVD -- again for USD199.99 for the whole 7th season. GASP!!

It seems that for this one, I might get it per season instead of the whole seasons in 1 pack, so I have time to collect them all. I'll go for FRIENDS pack instead of this one.

Finally, I have full collections of Saved by the Bell series -- the first US series I've ever watched and I literally grew up with this series .. which took me about 5 months to collect 5 seasons of high school, 1 season of college and the movie. Pheewww!! It took a while. For those who don't know Saved by the Bell -- it's sitcom series back in early 1990 about bunch of high school kids and funny principal, starred Mark-Paul Gossellar as the naughty Zach Morris.

Here is a sneak peek


Unknown said...

Wow that FRIENDS boxset look so impressive!!!
I remember 7th Heaven.. my bro used to watch it.. I thought it was pretty cheesy LOL

anett said...

it does huh!! I'm so gonna get it someday :) LOL I love 7th Heaven, I used to re-arrange my class time to watch this on TV

Stardreamer said...

I'm sooooo gonna get 7th heaven too, Net....but only the 1st and 2nd seasons may be. It gets too weird afterwards. And I want to search for "Full House" - I miss the Tanner family! Saw it at Plaza Indonesia for the full seasons and it costs like 2,5 jt...
astagfirullah al'azim!!!!

anett said...

actually Mel, until the twins birth was still ok. I stopped watching 'till season 5, so I'm thinking to get the 6th and 7th season first then the earlier seasons :) I'm rather curious on how it ends.