Friday 29 August 2008

International Lunch

Having 10 guests in the office surely brought a different feeling for us here .. though all of them are gone home now, except for Laxmi who's gonna be here for the next 3 months (she has just recently joined Rouse Manila and she's gonna be here learning and get familiar with Rouse' works) but it was definitely a memorable week for me at least.

So me, Mba Gita and Evie took Darshan, Tom, Laxmi and Andy (well, he's not a guest, he's an expat in Jakarta office but speaking Indo fluently) to Kafe Betawi -- Jakarta traditional food. They enjoyed the main course, Laxmi had the Soto Betawi, the authentic Jakarta food, Darshan had chicken Laksa and Tom had nasi uduk with semur daging (similar to Nasi Lemak with stew beef).

- tom seems happy with his food -

It was a good lunch and priceless moment witnessing Tom, Darshan and Laxmi tried tape (another type of fermented cassava) mixed in Es Shanghai -- it's a famous dessert contained of coconut, avocado, seaweed jelly, tape and shaved ice with raspberry syrup. But hey, western are famous in trying different kinds of exotic food, right? so it was a normal thing for him, but a challenge specially for someone who doesn't like cassava :D

Tom's priceless moment -- Oh Tom .. it's not bad right? ^^ As quoted from Darshan after we tried his a small spoon, "it's too much happening inside the mouth at one time."

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